πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦ About Me

I haven't always wanted to be here, and I'm grateful I'm here now. It can happen, even when it feels like it never will.

I can't rememberΒ notΒ feeling depressed. Age 11? Sad. Age 22? Trying but sad. Age 33? Getting worse before it got better. Strangers along the way, online and in person, have made the difference between sadness that waxed or sadness that waned.

It sure feels like there are fewer chances to meet strangers in authentic ways. But we can fix that. We can find one another. We can write the rules. We can hold each other (and ourselves) accountable.

The unassuming stranger could tip yr scales, teach you something new, or help you gently challenge beliefs that no longer serve you. It is easier to feel lonely and outcast when yr world is limited. We are at onceΒ  beautiful, unique snowflakes, a la Palahniuk,Β ANDΒ made of pieces that we share with all living things.

So let's be weird. Let's invite novelty. But most importantly...