๐Ÿ”ฎIntuitive Services๐Ÿ”ฎ

Hello, beautiful soul.

It would be an honor to focus my gift for you.

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๐Ÿ”ฎMy Approach๐Ÿ”ฎ

As an eclectic channeler, I draw upon pagan and earth mystery traditions, infused with elements of Christ consciousness and a deep respect for diverse spiritual paths. My practice is rooted in the fundamental belief that there is no single route to truth, embracing a pluralistic and open-minded approach to spiritual insight. Through tarot and other symbol-based divination, I aim to empower individuals on their unique spiritual journeys, using intuitive channeling and rich symbolism to provide guidance that resonates across various belief systems.

๐Ÿ”ฎMy Spiritual Journey๐Ÿ”ฎ

From single digits in this lifetime, I have felt a deep connection with nature and the vastness of the universe. My earliest memories are of me closing my eyes and "receiving pictures." I have been focusing my gift for 20+ years.

I was initially raised Christian and baptized at age 11 in a Southern Baptist Church, around the same time that my mom and primary caregiver was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Soon, though, some cracks began to form as I pursued the "why?" and "so what?" during what, in retrospect, was my first Dark Night of the Soul. My enthusiasm for understanding soon caused the belonging I felt in the church to sour, and I was cast as a troublemaker for asking too many difficult questions.

This initial heartbreak led me to two places that enrich my life to this day: the public library and the forest. I turned to the public library's philosophy and theology shelves, looking for meaning or how to make it. In nature I sought connection with peace and beauty. I have found that the library and the forest-- their welcome is evergreen.

Since then, I've:

  • studied theology, ethnobotany, and anthropology at university
  • progressed through the levels of initiation in a traditional learning coven
  • led community covens
  • practiced solitary as a green witch
  • been ordained as a minister since 2007